字體間距他是改變字與字的間距和詞與詞的間距的設定,主要是使用word-spacing & letter-spacing 兩個參數,橙覺得比較適合用於英文的方式,至於中文好就還好,有時還是會使用,橙主要是用於標題用,讓文字有點距離,讓使用者看起來有重點的感覺,不過,有時候,就用空白鍵就代替了,但是還是來寫一下使用方式吧!
先寫一段html 吧!
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>魚和橙</title> </head> <body> <h1>Letter-spacing & Word-spacing</h1> <p id="line1">The results of a survey <strong>keyword</strong> Friday showed <span>that 70 percent</span> of local <em>salaried employees</em> are hesitant(1) about getting married, citing insufficient(2) savings and job instability as the reasons.魚 橙</p> <p id="line2">The results of a survey <strong>keyword</strong> Friday showed <span>that 70 percent</span> of local <em>salaried employees</em> are hesitant(1) about getting married, citing insufficient(2) savings and job instability as the reasons.魚 橙</p> <p id="line3"> The results of a survey <strong>keyword</strong> Friday showed <span>that 70 percent</span> of local <em>salaried employees</em> are hesitant(1) about getting married, citing insufficient(2) savings and job instability as the reasons.魚 橙</p> <p id="line4"> The results of a survey <strong>keyword</strong> Friday showed <span>that 70 percent</span> of local <em>salaried employees</em> are hesitant(1) about getting married, citing insufficient(2) savings and job instability as the reasons.魚 橙</p> </body> </html>
再來就加入css 來看一下吧!
<style type="text/css"> #line1 { letter-spacing: 1em; } #line2 { letter-spacing: 0.1em; } #line3 { word-spacing: 1em; } #line4 { word-spacing: -1em; } </style>
letter-spacing 是字與字的間距,在#line1 橙設為1em ,所以每個字和字之間的距離拉開了,#line2則是設為0.1em,因設定太小和原本的字間距是相同的。
word-spacing 是單字和單字的間距,相同設為1em ,結果他是每個單字之間拉開了距離,如果設成了負值,就會形成#line4的結果了,應該沒有人會設樣設定吧!
這是office 軟體中,再簡單不過的設定,但是在網頁的設定中,就必須寫上這一段程式,才有辦法讓文字產生變化,有興趣可以試試喔!